Practicing mindfulness means to purposefully pay attention to your breathing, feelings, senses, or actions in the present moment. When one is mindful, they increase their ability to regulate emotions, manage stress, and self-motivate. Ready to get started? Being mindful at home doesn't need to be complicated. Here are 5 fun and easy ways to settle your mind and calm your body, no matter where you and your family might be!

Pick a color! This is an activity from our Mindful Moments Cards that we love! Choose a color, any color, maybe your favorite color. Look around and find ten objects that are this color. Pick another color and repeat.

Keep a journal! Inspire creativeness in yourself or your kids, and keep a journal. Your journal can be used for personal reflection, drawing, or even creative writing. Keeping a journal can be a great form of self-expression and relaxation.

Practice yoga! With a tablet or computer, you have access to hundreds of different yoga videos to help stretch your muscles, get the blood moving, and recharge your brain and body. You can also check out the fitFlow activity, too. It’s been newly optimized for mobile devices so you don’t even need a printer.

Try the “Sounds Good” activity! This is another activity from our Mindful Moments Cards that’s popular with people of all ages! Sit somewhere comfortable and close your eyes. What do you hear? Do you hear many things or just your own breathing? Focus on one sound and sway with the natural rhythm.

Savor your foods and drinks! This is a great option for practicing mindfulness in the smaller moments throughout your day. Drink your coffee, and really taste it. Experience the full sensationthe warmth, the scent, the feeling. Share in a mindful moment with your family and do the same over dinner. Talk about your experiences together, and see if one of you notices something the others didn’t.

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