How often do you sit down and genuinely enjoy your meals? How many times in a day do you stop and stretch or take a few deep breaths? Taking those moments to yourself have more benefits than you might think. Practicing mindfulness can increase your mental focus and physical energy. It’s an effective way to cope with stress and feelings of anxiety, as it helps you to focus on the present moment. Practicing mindfulness also assists you in releasing any tension within your body—so go ahead and relax your shoulders and face muscles, stretch out your body, and take a moment to do nothing but enjoy a moment of calm.

We created the Mindful Moments Cards to make practicing mindfulness easy. Choose a card from the deck and find one of twenty cool activities to do, and your kids will love them, too. Our activities are perfect for anyone and the cards are easy to use anytime, anywhere. Here are a couple of examples:

Try the Belly Breath now. Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Inhale through your nose. Feel your belly fill up. Exhale through your mouth. Repeat five times.

Try the Taste Test, too. The next time you have a meal or a snack, close your eyes when you take a bite. Chew slowly as you think about the texture and the taste of the food.

The emotions you experience during the day don’t have to be overwhelming, and you (and your kiddos) deserve a few moments of peace.

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