
Mood Moments

Rotate through station activities to practice self-talk and self-management.

Smiling kids showing an "I will" mood

Key Message

Talk yourself into making a fit choice!


  1. Identify various feelings and emotions that influence mood.
  2. Demonstrate using self-talk to self-direct healthy choices (e.g., choose to recharge energy, get active, do something fun, and/or do something with a friend).
  3. Apply a variety of motor skills and movement patterns to station activities.


  • Safety: Allow enough space to move freely and minimize collisions. Determine boundaries that are a safe distance from obstacles and walls.
  • Ensure equipment and materials are properly cleaned. 
  • Determine how you will group learners, using best practice guidelines from the Teacher's Guide.
  • Use cones to section play area.
  • Be prepared to demonstrate fitBoost activity and fitFlow yoga.

Warm Up

Begin with a fitBoost.



Say: Let’s be actors! Use your face and body to show your feelings and emotions.

  1. Show me what you look like when you feel grouchy or grumpy and do not want to play with friends.
  2. Show me how you act when you feel excited and don't want to be still.
  3. Show me how you act when you feel angry and don't want to talk to anyone.
  4. Show me how you act when you feel alert and ready to learn!


Feelings and emotions put you in a mood, and your mood influences your choices. Stop and think about your mood right now. (Allow learners a moment to reflect on their mood.) Are you ready to make a fit choice? If not, what can you do to motivate your mood?

The number one thing you need to know is when you stop to recognize your mood, it gives you the power to manage your mood.

Today we are going to practice recognizing different moods and making healthy choices.


Diagram showing activity area set up for game

  1. Each learner selects a Mood Card from the teacher. Because children are learning about choices, they will choose one of three activities for each round. Limit the number of learners at each station to between 3 and 5.

  2. If an “I will” mood card is selected, shout “I feel awesome! I am ready to make a fit choice!” then choose from the following:
  • Jog or move creatively around the perimeter of the gym.
  • Bounce and catch a ball. Challenge learners to bounce and catch five times moving as many body parts as they can (hand arm, head, knee, foot).
  • Volley (strike) a balloon or beach ball in the air. Challenge the learner to volley five times without the ball hitting the floor.
  1. If an “I won’t” mood card is selected, the learner shouts “I can manage my mood and make a fit choice,” then choose from the following:
  • Move around the perimeter of the gym
  • With a partner, find a comfortable space to talk about your favorite games, activities, or things you are thankful for.
  • With a partner, choose a fitFlow card and do the poses.
  1. Allow 2-3 minutes per round.

Close the Lesson

  1. Partner learners.

  2. Select a fitFlow card and complete the poses.

  3. While stretching, partners discuss choices they can make when they want to motivate their mood such as  getting active, doing a quiet activity, talking to a friend, etc.

  4. Assess understanding with the following questions:

Q: What was our lesson about today?
A: Recognizing the many feelings and emotions that put you in a mood, then using self-talk to make healthy choices.

Q: What can you do when your mood is “I won’t”?
A: Decide to manage your mood with a fit choice like going for a walk, doing some stretching, or talking to a friend. Accept examples of recharge, mood, food, and move choices.

Q: How would you explain self-talk to a family member?
A: Self-talk is when you pause to recognize your mood, then tell yourself positive things about yourself and make a fit choice to manage your mood.

Q: With a partner, demonstrate what you will do when you recognize your mood and want to make a healthy choice.
A: Learners give examples of fit choices they can do alone or with family and friends.

  1. Use the Assessment Rubric (see Teacher's Guide) as a checklist to assess understanding, skill development, and personal responsibility.

  2. Print and distribute My Growth Garden as take-home activity.


Finish this sentence: My plan to manage my mood is to  __________.

What You'll Need

Health Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Core concepts-Use self-control and impulse-control strategies to promote health.  
  • Standard 5: Decision-making
  • Standard 7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors

Social and Emotional Learning Competencies

  • Responsible decision-making
  • Self-awareness
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship skills

Physical Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Motor skills and movement patterns
  • Standard 3: Health-enhancing physical fitness
  • Standard 4: Responsible personal and social behavior

Extend the Lesson

Adaptations and Modifications


Take me to the full list of fitGames.

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