Use movement to show what influences your healthy choices.
Make a fit choice!
Say: Show your choice after I read a “Would you rather?” question.
When we did the "Would You Rather?" activity, you decided between fit choices. Today we will learn how a person, place, thing, or mood can influence your fit choices.
An influencer can help you make fit choices, or they can prevent you from making fit choices.
For example, your family is an influencer that helps you make fit choices when you eat healthy meals together or set a bedtime. Your school is an influencer, too. Schools provide recess and recess equipment to give you something to do rather than just stand around.
Your feelings and emotions can be influencers too. If you are feeling bored, you may want to sit and do nothing. If you are feeling excited, you may want to wave your arms in the air!
The number one thing you need to know is that if you stop and think about influencers, you can help yourself make fit choices.
Let’s practice recognizing things that influence our choices!
*Modification: Put hands in the air, thumbs up.
*Modification: Bend over and flap arms.
Name a person, place, thing, or mood that influences your fit choices.
Learners practice healthy recharge, mood, food, and move choices at fit activity stations.
Play GameUse movement to show preferences for healthy recharge, mood, food, and move choices.
Play GameLearn about setting short-term goals during a throwing and catching activity.
Play Game