
Emotion Commotion

Role the dice to move through a hula hoop circle while learning to recognize different feelings and emotions.

Children holding plastic hoops - Sanford fit

Key Message

Your feelings and emotions put you in a mood.


  1. Identify various feelings and emotions.
  2. Recognize that feelings and emotions create your mood, and your mood influences your choices.
  3. Apply a variety of motor skills and movement patterns throughout activity.


  • Print 2 sets of Mood Cards.
  • Download the Find the Feeling Matching Game  and the Feeling Faces Poster for additional practice in naming feelings and emotions.
  • Ensure equipment and materials are properly cleaned. 
  • Safety: Allow enough space to move freely and minimize collisions.
  • Determine boundaries that are a safe distance from obstacles and walls.
  • Determine how you will group learners, using best practice guidelines from the Teacher's Guide.
  • Determine locomotor movements for game play.
  • Be prepared to demonstrate fitBoost activity and fitFlow yoga.

Warm Up

Begin with a fitBoost.



Say: I will act out some feelings and emotions that affect my mood. (Demonstrate feelings and emotions from Mood Cards, such as grumpy, excited, angry, afraid, happy, worried, etc.)

  1. If my mood looks like I am ready to make a fit choice, do 5 jumping jacks or arm circles.

  2. If my mood looks like I am not ready to make a fit choice, turn around in a circle.


Everyone has different feelings and emotions. Sometimes you might feel grumpy. Sometimes you might feel angry, happy, worried, or even silly! Feelings put you in a mood, and your mood is your motivation to make healthy choices.

The number one thing you need to know is that everyone has different feelings and emotions throughout each day. When you take time to recognize your feelings and emotions, you are helping yourself to manage your mood and make fit choices.

Today’s activity will help you identify different feelings and emotions.


activity area diagram for Emotion Commotion game

  1. Place 10 or more Hula-Hoops around the gym with four to five Mood Cards (face down) and a die in each hoop.

  2. Separate learners into pairs or groups of 3 or 4.  

  3. Pairs or groups go to one of the hoops and roll a die to begin. They move that many hoops forward, then stop and select a card. The "I will" cards represent feelings and emotions that will help you make healthy choices. The "I won't" cards represent feelings and emotions that can hold you back.
  4. If an “I will” card is selected, the group mimics the emotion, then roll the die, and move forward that number of hoops.

  5. If an “I won’t” card, is selected, the group mimics the emotion, then moves back one hoop, rolls the die, draws another card, and repeats play.

  6. After 3 to 4 minutes, regroup students and repeat play. Challenge learners to track the number of forward moves and improve their score each round.

Close the Lesson

  1. Partner learners.

  2. Select a fitFlow card and work in partners to complete poses.

  3. Assess understanding of the feeling and emotion vocabulary words by reading a Mood Card aloud and asking learners to use facial expressions and body language to show that feeling or emotion.

  4.  Assess understanding with the following questions:

    Q: How do your feelings and emotions impact your mood? 
    A: Feelings and emotions put you in a mood, and your mood is your motivation to make healthy choices.

    Q: Why is it important to recognize your feelings and emotions?
    A: Recognizing your feelings and emotions helps you manage your mood and make healthy choices.
  5. Use the Assessment Rubric (see Teacher's Guide) as a checklist to assess understanding, skill development, and personal responsibility.


Can you name at least three different feelings and emotions?

Health Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Core Concepts-Express feelings in a healthy way.
  • Standard 4: Interpersonal communication

Social and Emotional Learning Competencies

  • Self-awareness

Physical Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Motor skills and movement patterns
  • Standard 3: Health-enhancing physical fitness
  • Standard 4: Responsible personal and social behavior

Extend the Lesson

Adaptations and Modifications


Take me to the full list of fitGames.

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