
Would You Rather?

Use movement to show preferences for healthy recharge, mood, food, and move choices.

Children stretching game - Sanford fit

Key Message

Your choices help you to be healthy and fit!


  1. Identify the four parts of fit: recharge, mood, food, and move.
  2. Identify recharge, mood, food, and move choices.
  3. Identify situations when a health-related decision is needed.
  4. Apply a variety of motor skills and movement patterns throughout activity.


  • Safety: Allow enough space to move freely and minimize collisions. 
  • Ensure equipment and materials are properly cleaned. 
  • Use cones or place markers to mark boundaries that are a safe distance from obstacles and walls.
  • Determine how you will group learners, using best practice guidelines from the Teacher's Guide.
  • Display the five fit posters.
  • Be prepared to demonstrate fitBoost activity and fitFlow yoga.

Warm Up

Begin with a fitBoost.



Say: Show your choice after I read each “Would you rather?” question.

  1. Would you rather climb a mountain or jump on a trampoline? Pretend you are climbing a mountain or move your arms as if you are on a trampoline.

  2. Would you rather jog on the beach or sit by a campfire? Jog in place or move your arms as if jogging on a beach, or sit and sway back and forth for the campfire.

  3. Would you rather fly like a butterfly or sit like an alligator? Wave your arms like a butterfly for the first choice or hold your arms in front of you and move them like an alligator's mouth for the second choice.


(Show the orange fit poster.) Did you know that you make nearly 5000 choices each day? Many of those choices have to do with your health. We are going to learn about fit recharge, mood, food, and move choices.

You will get to decide between several fit choices.

The number one thing you need to know is that there are many times each day you can make healthy recharge, mood, food, and move choices!

Today’s activity will help you recognize recharge, mood, food, and move choices.


fitGames activity diagram - Sanford fit

Before playing the game:

  1. Demonstrate locomotor skills for each section. Modify to meet learners' needs, abilities, and interests
  2. Discuss safe boundaries and the personal space of others.
  3. Begin each set of “Would you rather?” questions with a short explanation of each part of fit.
  4. Pause after each question and encourage learners to think about their choice. Option: Learners talk about their preferences with a partner or in a small group before making a choice.

Part 1 Recharge: Show the Recharge poster. Learners move to the left side of the activity area and do a left overhead stretch if they choose the first option or move to the right side of the activity area and do a right overhead stretch if they choose the second option. Read each question aloud:

  • When you need energy during the day, would you rather look up and watch clouds or read a book?
  • When you need energy during the day, would you rather draw a picture or play with a dog?
  • When you need energy during the day, would you rather work on a puzzle or take a short nap?
  • When you get ready to restore your energy at night, would you rather take a bath or take a shower?
  • When you get ready to restore your energy at night, would you rather stretch your body or sing a song?
  • Just before you go to bed at night, would you rather listen to a story or listen to music?

Summarize: To recharge your energy is to sleep from 9 to 12 hours each night and to relax (without screens) each day.

Part 2 Mood: Show the Mood poster. Learners do lunges or arm circles as they move to the left side of the activity area for the first option or to the right side for the second option. Read each question aloud:

  • When you feel tired, would you rather stretch or go for a walk?
  • When you feel calm, would you rather play a board game or read?
  • When you feel bored, would you rather relax and draw a picture or play outside?
  • When you feel frustrated, would you rather ride your bike or talk to a parent or friend?
  • When you feel happy, would you rather play with a pet or lie in the grass and watch clouds?

Summarize: Feelings and emotions, such as happy, sad, frustrated, tired, or excited, put you in a mood. Your mood influences your decisions. You can talk yourself into a fit choice regardless of your mood!

Part 3 Food: Show the Food poster. Learners move backward to the left side of the activity area for the first option or to the right side for the second option. Read each question aloud:

  • Would you rather eat an apple or string cheese?
  • Would you rather drink a glass of milk or water?
  • Would you rather eat chicken or fish for your next meal?
  • Would you rather eat an orange or a handful of grapes?
  • Would you rather eat yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast?

Summarize: Food is fuel for your body and mind. The better your fuel choices, the better your energy and health. Eating fruits and vegetables and drinking water and milk instead of having sugary foods and drinks are great ways to “Think Your Food.” 

Part 4 Move: Show the Move poster. Learners touch their elbows to the opposite knee as they move to the left side of the activity area for the first option or to the right side for the second option. Read each question aloud:

  • Would you rather fish at a lake or ride a scooter?
  • Would you rather play catch or run around the block?
  • Would you rather walk around your neighborhood or make up a dance?
  • Would you rather go rock climbing or walk a dog in the park?
  • Would you rather ride a bike or play at a playground?

Summarize: Move means to be active throughout your day. Find many moments and many fun ways to move! 

Close the Lesson

  1. Partner learners.
  2. Select a fitFlow card and complete poses.
  3. While stretching, ask learner pairs to discuss the activity. 

    Q: What was our lesson about today?
    A: Recharge, mood, food, and move choices.

    Q: Ask for examples of health-related decisions (i,e., recharge, mood, food, and move choices) learners might make at different times during the day. 
    A: Eating breakfast, active play at recess, playing instead of screen time after school, bedtime routines, etc.

    Q: Ask learners to classify their decisions as a recharge, mood, food, or move choice.

    Q: Ask learners to give examples of people whom they would go to for help with a health-related decision.
    A: Trusted adults and professionals who can serve as a health helper. (i.e., family, teachers, PE teacher, counselor, school nurse, food service helpers, etc.).

  4. Use the Assessment Rubric (see Teacher's Guide) as a checklist to assess understanding, skill development, and personal responsibility.


Name a fit choice you will make after school today.

Health Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Core Concepts-Engage in activities that are mentally and emotionally healthy.
  • Standard 7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors
  • Standard 8: Advocate for health

Social and Emotional Learning Competencies

  • Responsible decision-making
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management

Physical Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Motor skills and movement patterns
  • Standard 3: Health-enhancing physical fitness
  • Standard 4: Responsible personal and social behavior

Extend the Lesson

Adaptations and Modifications

  • For younger learners, group recharge with mood and food with move. Focus on simple definitions.
  • Adapt locomotor skills and movement patterns to learners' needs, interests, and abilities.
  • Modify game setup so that all children can participate.
  • Modify game setup so that all children, regardless of age, size, ability, or disability, are able to participate.
  • Play a fit Workout video for activity warm up and cool down.


Take me to the full list of fitGames.

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