
Self-Talk is Healthy for You

Here are some examples of how you can use self-talk to motivate your mood.

Grades K-5
Self-Talk Is Healthy for You slideshow Grades K-5 - Smiling girl laying on a chalk drawing of a rainbow - Sanford fit
Self-Talk Is Healthy for You slideshow Grades K-5 - Girl dancing to music - Sanford fit
Self-Talk Is Healthy for You slideshow Grades K-5 - Boy reading a book - Sanford fit
Self-Talk Is Healthy for You slideshow Grades K-5 - Girl lying in snow making a snow angel - Sanford fit
Self-Talk Is Healthy for You slideshow Grades K-5 - Children laughing and raising their hands - Sanford fit
Self-Talk Is Healthy for You slideshow Grades K-5 - Boy trying broccoli - Sanford fit
Self-Talk Is Healthy for You slideshow Grades K-5 - Girl throwing leaves in air and boy walking outside - Sanford fit
Self-Talk Is Healthy for You slideshow Grades K-5 - Logo - Sanford fit